Wednesday, September 29, 2010

TED videos...

I'm a huge fan of TED and a lot of their video's...check them out!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Natural selection....please kick in!

It amazes me how some people were the fastest/smartest/best ...and thus led to them becoming a human being....amazing. Were the other ones REALLY that dumb? or were you simply the only one to get pointed in the right direction? amazes me the shear volume of DUMB people in this world.'s the weekend...have some things planned so it should be a good time!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Much needed break

Tonight a few friends and I went to Pineapple Pete's for dinner and to play some was a blast. No matter where people are they always say "there isn't anything to do here...blah blah blah." I know I've said it every other place I've lived but in reality it is all what you make of it and the people you're with. I'm thankful to have some good friends down here that are open to go do something as simple as play pool on a Wednesday night and make it a great night. Plus...i'm feeling better...and I'll attribute it partially to them/that.

Lets hope I wake up tomorrow feeling half way decent!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1st block of 2nd semester is in the books!

So for the past week or so I've been sick...and being sick sucks...but there is nothing worse than being sick when you need to be studying hard core! We had block 1 yesterday and all the grades are back to us by today! (A really weird quick turn around since we weren't expecting physio until the end of the week!) After getting grades back I'm kind of blah. I did fine on 2 of the tests...and managed to get my lowest test score so far on the other. I think the worst part was knowing the answers but over thinking them and choosing something obscure. On Friday i'll know which ones I missed though...nothing I can do now but move forward to the next block. Well....I think im going to try and get better first! That brings me back....who gets a.) a cold in the caribbean? and b.) an ear infection in their 20's? ugh...just have to keep moving I guess! Not a whole lot else has been going on besides school and sickness...hopefully something fun will be done this weekend though!

Oh, ps....short tests suck. This block our tests were 40, 35, and 28 questions respectively. To me...40 questions is a good number..and should be the minimum number of q's for the amount of material we cover! In physio...28 miss 3 and you're already down to an 88!....CRAZY!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


One would wonder how I become sick with a cold on a tropical island...and really I have no answer. I figured i'd have a better chance of getting Dengue or something else...but a cold was NOT on the list. For the past few days it's been full of class, studying, headache, sore throat, sniffles, followed by a plugged nose and ear's that won't seem to pop! Not that being sick wouldn't be bad enough with class and normal studying, but this is the week before block 1! ugh...I think i'll try and get to bed by 12 tonight....lets hope these extra few hours of sleep help!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On the other side

On Monday I started my 2 semester commitment as an Anatomy TA. It was not at all what I expected. Just a month ago I was on the other side of the tables...white coat on...trying to grasp every bit of knowledge I could. Now, I try to interject my knowledge into the 1st semester....what is this, how you can tell between this and that, where did you find that....over and over, table to's simply weird. They all seem so young, but they're really not. Some seem so eager, which will go away soon enough, but some so timid and over extended. I have a feeling these next 2 semesters in lab will be just as interesting as last semester!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2nd semester....and hurricanes...oh yesss

Today was our first day of 2nd semester...delayed from our original start date of yesterday due to Hurricane Earl. It feels good to get back in the swing of a regular schedule even though nothing about today was regular. We finally got power back after 2 days without it only to have it go on and off frequently over the past few hours. There is nothing more frustrating that having power for 15 minutes and thinking it's back for good to only have it go off for a few hours...and then come back on after you already get to school! No worries though...the storm could have been worse. All in all Earl wasn't THAT bad. We lost a ton of trees and vegetation...a few signs....some fence....but nothing too crazy. I think i'll try and come up with some goals for the semester and post them here in a few days..pending on the power!
