Saturday, October 30, 2010

block week...again

I swear I blink my eyes and it's block week again! we more week before block 3 and there is a LOT to still do. I'm really not looking forward to all the studying that needs to happen this week but it'll all get done. Last night the halloween party at tantra was pretty good..lots of good costumes...and dinner before hand was REALLY good. One of the best steaks i've had here yet!

Back to the study!

Friday, October 22, 2010

another week down

it's hard to believe that we're only a few weeks away from another set of tests! This weekend is going to be packed with dinner's and shindigs, but most importantly ....STUDYING! My goal is to be all caught up before Sunday dinner...fingers crossed.

PS our Halloween costumes came in!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

why do weekends go by so fast?

so...the week after blocks is done...which really didn't mean much since we had our biostats final on Friday anyways! I'm happy to report I am DONE with biostats (and even got all my biostats Q's right on my kaplan questions today)!...and overall block 2 went can't complain at least. There is always room for improvement though so time to move on to 3rd block.

This weekend was a real good time and it absolutely flew by! On Friday night we had the CMSA Hockey Tournament which was a blast. Our team lost both our games, mainly because yours truly was in goal, but we still had a great time. Last night we went out to dinner for Jeff's birthday at the Boathouse and then went to see a movie. Dinner was great, the movie was....a movie...but it was good to get off campus/out of Cupecoy for the night. Finally, tonight we had a little Sunday Dinner....which essentially was a fourth of July dinner + guac!...burgers, brats, coleslaw, pasta salad, watermelon, and lemonade :) Hopefully we can continue because I loved it!

Hopefully i'll be able to catch up on studying this week so next weekend can be freed up. Time will tell.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

oh block 2

block 2 is in the books as of MCB2, physio, and immuno are done! We have our biostats final on Thursday. It's 80% of our grade so no break from studying! After getting 2 of my test grades back I think block 2 can be summed up by saying I knew my material well, but I just wasn't confident in my answers. MCB focused on some pretty minute details but let's not go there. Immuno on the other hand was much harder than the first test, but still doable I thought. Goal for 3rd block....just answer the one that I know is the MOST't go with the safe answer choice and hope for the question to be thrown out or multiple answers to be given credit! Just have to move on though! I'm looking forward to playing some soccer tonight though, should be a good time!
