Thursday, July 28, 2011

A.L.M.O.S.T. home....whew

19 days from now I should be landing in MSP! Waahoo! This semester has been quite the whirlwind with school and trying to wrap up my time on the island. Hmmm I don't think a whole lot has happened socially. My birthday has come and gone, yet again in another country. A few of us went out to dinner at The Stone and then out after that for a bit. I'm definitely going to miss the amazing food in St. Maarten!

Other than celebrating birthdays pretty much every other weekend it's been pretty low key. We had a little guys night after ICM 4 wrapped up with block 3...and since both went quite well it made it a fun night with a little bit of everything SXM has to offer.

Right now school is school and i'm pretty burnt out. 4th semester is kind of in coast mode and now I'm more focused on studying for step. Tonight I just finished 50% of the Kaplan Qbank...a whopping 1144 questions in the bag! This weekend hopefully I can find some time to set up a study plan for break and next semester...the last thing I want to be doing at this time next semester is worrying about the 3rd comp!

It's kind of crazy to think I've been down here for 15 months and only have 5 more to go...the time has absolutely flown by. On one hand I'll miss a few things around here but for the most part I'm ready to move on to the next phase of Step 1 and clinicals.

Oh I also got to shoot another engagement a little over a month ago! Photography has really taken a back seat to school and step studying but it was a fun little project. Here are a few of the shots:
