After some pushes from family members saying I havent posted in a we go.
Overall, life is good and I don't have anything to complain about.
Since my last post....I finished up OBGYN, took the shelf, started peds and ramped up my CK/CS studying.
OB= lots of fun...loved delivering babies.
GYN= meh, the OR is always interesting to me but GYN problems are not my cup of tea.
Shelf exams and I really don't see eye to eye. I have yet to find a good way to study for them so now I choose to just wing it and hope I learned enough on the rotation to pull through...and so far so good.
When I started med school I thought for sure I would want to do pediatrics. I love kids, kids usually love me...this would be perfect....then I started peds.
My first 4 weeks I was on was interesting/repetitive. Luckily I was in an office that saw a TON of patients...I mean >300 a day! So...not only did I get to see my share of ear infections, upper respiratory infections, flu, strep throat, etc....I was also able to see a few interesting/more rare things. HSP (Henoch-Schonlein purpura), post viral myositis, and PFAPA (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis) to name a few.
Next up I did 2 weeks of inpatient and actually really liked it. I had some really cool kids and great attendings that really made the experience.
Now i'm finishing on NICU and it's been good so far....but I'm only a week in.
I love dealing with the kids but hate dealing with the parents. I also really don't like that a lot of the time, especially in outpatient there really isn't anything for a Dr to do. If a pt comes in with a URI...all you can do is treat symptomatically and really, the parents could have done that at home to begin with. If anything, this has further solidified my desire for IM.
In other news....70ish days until I'm done with tests for med school! (hopefully!)
I scheduled my CK for the end of June and CS is in early May...hopefully the first and last time I take either of them
Cheers for now