Friday, June 28, 2013

Step 2 CK is in the books....

Today was my last test of med school *fingers crossed* !! After spending 9 hours sitting at a computer doing hundreds of questions it feels good to be done with tests...but it was kind of anti climatic. One, we don't get scores for 3 weeks or although it feels good to be done-ish...the real fun comes once you find out what your score comes in.

I guess this signifies my transition into my last year of med school....only 26 weeks of rotations left! Pretty crazy.

Just as one thing ends, something else always starts. 1. I need to get my butt in gear for application season! I paid for my token today and i'll consider that my first step in the right direction but I have a long way to go. 2. My internal med Sub I starts on monday...and since that is what I'm applying for I should try not to suck at it too much.

This small transition kind of sums up life for someone in medicine. To the outside world this was a big deal...and to me it is as well...however, at the end of the day it's just another step down the path. The further I go, the more I realize that there really isn't an end point. There is always something more. I guess that could go for life too...and it's good to never be content.

I'll post more about what I did for CK once I get my score back and depending on if what I did paid off.

I'll also try and get a post out there for the application process/general match time line once I get my feet on the ground and get moving on it myself.
