As my work at IBM comes to an end I figured I would take a look back over these past 6 weeks and try and figure out where all the time went. It really wasn't that long ago that I was dreading going back. Did I really want to work 2 jobs? No. Was it worth it? Yes. Over the past 6 weeks I have worked a total of 455 hours, averaging 75.833 hours a week between both jobs. Now that it's coming to an end I can't wait to go back to a 40 hour work week and the vacation it will seem like I am on! It took a matter of days back at IBM to get back in the swing of things even though I hadn't worked there in a year and a half! Now, it is all just a routine. Wake up, work, drive, work, drive, sleep, repeat. I enjoy the structure but it really is an overload. Doing this for the past 6 weeks makes me really envy those who do this everyday. I've enjoyed expanding my languages to a decent amount of Somali and a small amount of Swahili. It always amazes me how so many people can speak 2,3,4,5+ languages!
This week however there are only a couple of us at work. I thought it would be okay, but really it makes it feel like we shouldn't be there! Anyways, this has given me some time to get to know another person I work with quite well. I find myself to be a very open minded person who gets along with just about everyone. Yet, I think I may have found a person who falls into the very small amount of people I do not see eye to eye with. It's not that we arn't civil, or can't be friends, yet we are polar opposites on very fundamental issues. I kind of pride myself on the amount of people I know, my network, and how expansive it really is, yet I have never come across a single person whos views are so different than mine. I find it semi frustrating but only because I can not change any views. I know where I sit on a lot of things, especially things that are the foundation of who I am as a person, yet others don't....hmm
More to come later maybe.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Finally...FINALLY...after a few weeks of bitter cold weather it is starting to warm up! Mind you, when I say warm up I mean it was 10 degrees above 0 on my way to work this morning! More good news: this is my last week working 2 jobs, 70+ hours a week! Starting next week I will be down to the good ol 40 hour work week with a life and friends and time to myself! This is a big deal! My photography has been progressing nicely and I am in the midst of a few photo projects which can be seen over at Another Monday, 1/3 of the way complete...come this time next week it will be 1/2 complete! :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
what are you listening to!?
I think music is great...really great. Most people say they listen to "all types" of you? Well, I do! Today I really couldn't figure out what I wanted to listen I made it a Girl Talk day!...Girl Talk is essentially a bunch of songs mixed together to create a new song. It's something different and really up beat. Only 19 more hours of work before the weekend! BOOM!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Just another day
I realize I live in Minnesota, and Minnesota is cold, but it has been really cold lately. So cold that I don't know if I've seen a positive number on my cars outside temp reader. It kind of amazes me how the days and weeks all kind of blend together when you work a 9-5..or for me right now a 8am-11pm. Every day is pretty much the same...or as a friend of mine put it yesterday, "same soup, just reheated." Now I think I understand why people who hate their day jobs pretty much hate life. Although I'm not in love with either of my jobs right now I am thankful that I have a job, let alone 2! New years resolution #1: make each day unique. For how much a routine can be comforting it can also be suffocating.
I have also decided to move my photography portion of this blog to a blog in and by itself:
I decided to move it since I want a blog dedicated to photography only..and tbrinkmanphotography was still open !
In med school news I got a call today from AUC saying that I need to send another science proffesor LOR. Seriously....AUC was my #1 choice but these bs hoops are getting old. I was told by my advisor that the 2 I sent were fine...but now I guess they arn't and the committee wants another letter! I was initially hoping to get accepted before my Ross interview in Colorado so I could cancel the Ross interview but it looks like I'm heading to CO on Feb 4th. I spent a little time looking at flights today and they arn't as bad as I thought they would be. I can leave on the 4th from Rochester and come back to Minneapolis that same night for $215! We'll see what I end up going with!
Other than that not a whole lot is new. I went through all my old college stuff this past weekend and wow do/did I have a ton of stuff. It's a good project to have finished and am glad I actually took the time to do it even though it took ALL weekend! Only 8 more days working both jobs...yippee!
I have also decided to move my photography portion of this blog to a blog in and by itself:
I decided to move it since I want a blog dedicated to photography only..and tbrinkmanphotography was still open !
In med school news I got a call today from AUC saying that I need to send another science proffesor LOR. Seriously....AUC was my #1 choice but these bs hoops are getting old. I was told by my advisor that the 2 I sent were fine...but now I guess they arn't and the committee wants another letter! I was initially hoping to get accepted before my Ross interview in Colorado so I could cancel the Ross interview but it looks like I'm heading to CO on Feb 4th. I spent a little time looking at flights today and they arn't as bad as I thought they would be. I can leave on the 4th from Rochester and come back to Minneapolis that same night for $215! We'll see what I end up going with!
Other than that not a whole lot is new. I went through all my old college stuff this past weekend and wow do/did I have a ton of stuff. It's a good project to have finished and am glad I actually took the time to do it even though it took ALL weekend! Only 8 more days working both jobs...yippee!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
BOOM...welcome to 2010
Yeah, I know I'm a day late but's the thought that counts! So, the whole killer work weeks are finally done; now I'm back to ONLY 14 hour days for a few It has been really nice to have these past few days off from anything work related but I always seem to get myself into something that I don't have enough time for. Of course I decided to dig out all of my clothes/college crap and re organize and throw away a bunch of it...and lets just say I have a metric ton of stuff! Oh, plus my new camera flash came in, canon speedlite 430ex II with diffuser and my lowepro lens pocket as well! I'm thinking Monday will be the day for my 77mm B+W Kaesemann Circular Polerizer filter CAN NOT WAIT! I'm already looking forward to next weekend, hopefully it won't be as cold as this weekend, to have everything cleaned and organized around here so I can get out and shoot a few hundred pictures or so! What's the point of having all of this amazing gear if I have no time to shoot!? I'm still working on new years resolutions but im sure they will be good. I think instead of giving something up I will aim to do something daily/weekly. I think taking a vitamin, working out, and shooting pictures are good one's but we shall see. Back to cleaning and the MSU vs Texas Tech game...go BIG 10!
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