I realize I live in Minnesota, and Minnesota is cold, but it has been really cold lately. So cold that I don't know if I've seen a positive number on my cars outside temp reader. It kind of amazes me how the days and weeks all kind of blend together when you work a 9-5..or for me right now a 8am-11pm. Every day is pretty much the same...or as a friend of mine put it yesterday, "same soup, just reheated." Now I think I understand why people who hate their day jobs pretty much hate life. Although I'm not in love with either of my jobs right now I am thankful that I have a job, let alone 2! New years resolution #1: make each day unique. For how much a routine can be comforting it can also be suffocating.
I have also decided to move my photography portion of this blog to a blog in and by itself:
I decided to move it since I want a blog dedicated to photography only..and tbrinkmanphotography was still open !
In med school news I got a call today from AUC saying that I need to send another science proffesor LOR. Seriously....AUC was my #1 choice but these bs hoops are getting old. I was told by my advisor that the 2 I sent were fine...but now I guess they arn't and the committee wants another letter! I was initially hoping to get accepted before my Ross interview in Colorado so I could cancel the Ross interview but it looks like I'm heading to CO on Feb 4th. I spent a little time looking at flights today and they arn't as bad as I thought they would be. I can leave on the 4th from Rochester and come back to Minneapolis that same night for $215! We'll see what I end up going with!
Other than that not a whole lot is new. I went through all my old college stuff this past weekend and wow do/did I have a ton of stuff. It's a good project to have finished and am glad I actually took the time to do it even though it took ALL weekend! Only 8 more days working both jobs...yippee!