As of a few days ago a bunch of my ICM equipment came in. It's good to have it, but a little weird too. Well, first it's weird because I really don't need any of this stuff until 2nd semester, however, I'm not planning on coming back to the states in between 1st and 2nd semester so I figured I'd rather pack it with me now than worry about shipping it all to SXM. It's also a little weird because the whole med school thing is kind of sinking in now. Only a month and a half away....crazy.
Another thing I jumped the gun about....step 1 prep! I picked up with 2010 First Aid book last week as well in my big med school buying frenzy and decided to make it my own yesterday. I had heard that it's nice to be able to add in your own pages and write all over it as you go through basic sciences so I did a little chop shop work on my copy. I decided to take it to Staples and have them remove the binding, I three whole punched everything, and then threw it in a big ol binder. Hopefully this will work out as I envision it......
I think that's all for now on the whole med school tip....