We're a little over a week into our material after block 2 and I can already tell block 3 is going to be jam packed with a ton of information! Nothing is all that difficult but there is just a lot of it to know. I feel like I never update anymore...but really, there isn't all that much going on! There is class, sleeping, eating, studying.....a little world cup and that about sums it up. This past weekend on Friday night we had our fundraiser/social event for Phi Chi which went really well and on Saturday night I went out to dinner with a bunch of friends for my delayed birthday celebration...all in all, a great weekend. The only problem with a great weekend is that it usually means I got no studying done! Oh well, it was worth it. Plus, I more than made up for it, especially in anatomy, yesterday with a good 7/8 hours of studying.
I'll try and keep posting even if it's just to say nothings new...