Saturday, May 14, 2011

4th semester, up and running

We're already a week and a half into block 1 of 4th semester and tests are a little over a week away. Time is flying by per usual. I guess I just get used to losing track of the day and time. My life really doesn't change on a day to day basis....wake up, school, study, maybe some soccer and then do it all over again. I went to the white coat ceremony last night to watch a friend get awarded the student of the semester and it amazed me how quickly time has gone since I was sitting where all the 1st semesters were. On the same note, how QUICK it'll be before i'm sitting where honors society was sitting. Everyone said that the time would fly but you never really know until your immersed in it.

Oh well, back to some neuro and path 2....hello saturday!
