So, my first rotation of 3rd year is done! I took the internal medicine shelf this morning and pending some sort of catastrophe on thattttt I am done with IM. It's pretty bitter sweet. I really enjoyed IM and have all but decided that is the route I want to take for residency! I still need to do a sub-I and a few electives to further solidify, but that's the way it's looking as of now.
Up next, surgery....welp. We'll's going to be a longgg 3 months. The hours are looking like 5am-5pm, plus Q6 call.
In other news....I recently got a Keurig! It's pretty darn amazing. The chai latte, coffee and tea are all really good.
It's weird to have a free has been a while. We'll see if I get anything done, might just need to relax.
As for the IM shelf...I really dislike when you take tests and about half way through you realize there was no good way to study for it. I did quite a bit of studying for IM...between step up to medicine, kaplan lecture notes, UW and USMLE Rx....I put in a few hours to say the least. However, there were still tons of Qs on there that were simply out of left field. I guess we'll see when scores come back in a few weeks.