Monday, January 21, 2013

It has been a while...

So...I realize I havent posted in quite a while.

1. Surgery finished strong...all in all it was a good time. The residents were great, the attendings were helpful, but by no means would I ever choose to go into surgery simply because of the lifestyle. The OR time was rewarding and so was the floor medicine...but the lack of life outside of the hospital for the next 6+ yrs of my life at least is enough for me not to pursue it.

2. Spending 2 weeks at home over xmas break was exactly what I needed after 3 months of surgery.

3. Getting to see some of my best friends from undergrad in milwaukee, some of which I havent seen in years was a great time. I can really appreciate our friendships more and am thankful to have met such great people. It always amazes me that even if we havent seen/talked in a while, the minute we get back together it's as if we were back on campus and nothing has changed.

4. I'm currently on my last of 4 weeks on OB...soon to be followed by 4 weeks of GYN. OB has been great so far...there is something amazing about bringing another life into this world...especially when you're allowed to actually be that person who brings them in and not just a bystander. Ive been in on a few dozen deliveries so far, and have even gotten to deliver by myself, with the attending and resident right next to me, a couple of times now...pretty awesome.

5. The other night when I was on nights I had the final confirmation that the OR is not for me. One of the OBGYN attendings was talking with me the other day and the Q of what do you want to do inevitably came up. I said IM, but tossed in that I liked the OR so who knows. He brought up the great divide....are you a cutter?...because you're either a cutter or you're not...and I couldn't agree more. I enjoy the OR, I really do, but I simply enjoy doing procedures. of now, i've officially ruled out Surg and OB/GYN and am 99.5% sure I will be applying to IM come this fall....plenty of time to change that though.

6. I've always said cardiology, cardiology, cardiology....I think that goal may have changed as well. GI has always interested me and even more so they get to do a lot of procedures. BUT, pulm/critical care has also jumped way up on my list. It's always new and exciting, you get to do procedures and you get to have a huge impact.

7. I got signed up for my 4th yr electives...kind of scary! As of now I'm doing an I'M sub I, GI, neurology, radiology, Family med, ICU and CVICU

I think that's about it for now....
