After 3+ years of studying pretty much every day, my last test of med school is officially over! I got my step 2 CK score back this past wednesday and now I really don't know what to do with my days!
I'm in the process of working on my application...Mid september will be coming soon enough, but really other than much time and so little to really do.
As of yesterday I finished my internal med sub-I and can say it's official that I'll be applying for Internal Med come this fall. It's nice to know what I want to do with my life...I can't imagine the people who are still unsure this late in the game.
During 3rd year it was hard to get out and really enjoy much outside of the hospital. There was always a test, or an eval or something to be working on. As a 4th year, especially now that my Sub I is over, most of those worries are over. Obviously you still want to do well and impress, but the worry of a test is no longer there. As a 3rd yr I promised I would do more come 4th year and it's already starting to look that way. I just booked my ticket home for a wedding mid-september and i'm heading back to Indy in October for the colts/broncos football game....probably the last time manning will play in indy...should be a good time.
Hopefully I can get a few more things under my belt before interview season starts, but regardless, now that there are no more tests, I have no reason not to get out and enjoy the area.