Monday, November 7, 2011

Serious countdown

As of today, I found out I passed the first "comp" aka one step closer to getting off the rock and back to the states! Since my last post there has been lots of studying, a bunch of tests and then even more studying. We've had shelf after shelf after shelf (shelf tests are standardized tests that the NBME puts out to kind of see where everyone is sitting in the different subjects). So far i've been pretty pleased with how i've done given how much I've studied for certain aspects.

Also, I'm officially DONE with the basic science classes. We finished up Behavioral 2 and Pharm 2 last week and I couldn't be more happy. Just another thing to have finished.

I've also gone and finished 2 rotations. One in anesthesiology and one doing general surgery rounds. Both were good experiences and I learned a good amount from both.

It's weird thinking that I have a little over a month left here (fingers crossed). A few more tests and lots of studying still to do but 20 months is coming to a wrap.
