Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 thoughts from this week

1. Drug reps are okay in my book. Sure, you're pushing some drug or some test that probably costs far too much money and shouldn't be used for the people you're pushing it on...that's fine, it's my job not to use your product when I shouldn't. However, please keep bringing free lunch and I will continue to entertain you for about 5 minutes as I pick through what you've gotten us.

2. Since when does everyone in a hospital wear a white coat? If a person only associated a white coat with a doctor there would definitely not be a doctor shortage in this country. I swear every other day I find a new job title that now decides it's time to wear a white coat...I really think other color coats should be implemented. That way you get your coat, and I don't look so funny being the ONLY person in a group of 20, 5 of which may be doctors, who has to wear a short white coat.
