It's crazy how fast the time flies by! This week I was on night call, my first of many, and it wasn't too shabby. I think half of that has to do with having great residents to work with. We never really get scutted out and they love to talk and teach about PE skills or work ups on patients. With that...our attending right now is amazing as well. She really takes time to work through differentials and treatments for our patients even if they are very basic such as asthma or ACS. What is now second nature to her is somewhere in our minds...just not as organized and fluent as it should be. It's going to take one heck of a team to top this one next month but from the general consensus around here is that everyone is great soooo we'll see.
We have had a lot of lectures this week and I can honestly say i've taken something away from all of them...which is a rare feat in todays world where we have far too many lectures IMHO.
I really need to get back on my studying...night call really threw me off by a few days trying to catch up with sleep. Oh well.