Yesterday was my first day on call and it wasn't too shabby. Here we are on Q4 call meaning we're on call every 4th day. We also alternate between day and night call. So either 7am-7pm or 7pm-7am. Yesterday I was on day call and of course it was slow. I mean really slow. Until the last couple of hours which is exactly what you would expect to happen.
It was nice to kind of have a more relaxing day, get a little bit of studying done and see how the residents handle their busy work when we were in a lull. I couldn't be more happy about our team this month. My Jr, Sr and attending all really enjoy teaching and make sure to stop and always keep us involved whether it be through pimping, PE skills or just running through protocol work ups on our patients. It has all been really fun up til now, but having a solid team who is willing to teach and recognize where we are in our training is the cherry on top.
Yesterday I also had my first admit which I was completely nervous for...why...I have no clue. So when you're on call your Sr will get a call from the ER and then someone, usually the med student, will go down and see the patient in the ER. We take a complete H & P, talk it over with our Jr, who then also has to see the patient and fill in/double check the important info we gathered. I think I was really fortunate to have a patient who was very lively, friendly and kind of just along for the ride.
I think both of my patients were DC'd today so tomorrow may be a pretty quiet one. Which is never really the case...always studying, presentations, meetings, lectures,'s fun. Even though I've only been on inpatient for all of 5 days now, I think I could see myself doing this....I guess we'll see