So for the past few weeks I've been working 14-16 hours a day at two different jobs...blah! However, after calculating how much I will have made it all becomes worth it...lets just say it should be enough to cover my new computer and a slew of new camera gear.
On a different note, for a while now, well since I got back from South Africa, I have wanted to learn Xhosa. I used my networks in search of ANYONE who is fluent/can speak a good amount of Xhosa and came up empty handed. However, at work on Friday one of the ladies at work was showing off a business card which had greetings from 80 languages, one of which was Xhosa! Of course I showed my interest and she introduced me to him. After he said Molo I soon came to realize that was about all he knew for Xhosa. False advertisement? He said he spoke 7 or 8 languages fluently which is way beyond what I could even dream...but then again he was a translater so it's kind of a perk of the job! I have however been learning more Somali and Swahili. I would say about 90% of the people at my 2nd job are fluent in 2+ languages! Usually, English, Somali, sometimes Swahili or Aribic or many others..that isn't even taking into consideration tribal languages!
On a photography sucks not having time to go shoot! When it is dark when you go to work, dark when you leave, and you only have 5 hours to sleep at night there is no time for photography! However, that doesn't mean I don't have time to add to my great gear! Saturday I met up with a guy to buy a 77mm Hoya R72 Infrared filter, a 77mm B+W Neutral Density, and a 77mm B+W Graduated Neutral Density filter. That is about $500 worth of filters...I got them for $200! I am really anxious to get shooting some IR...well just to get shooting period!
On a med school note....AUC lost one of my LOR's...AGAIN! One of my letter writers sent it, then sent it again, and now I have to call him at 2 to ask him to fedex it down to them! BLAH! I really just want to get these apps completed so that portion is finished!