Sunday, December 13, 2009

Post 1...and so it starts

So here we go, deep breath, the first post of my life blog. As with everything worth doing in life you need to have goals. So first, my goals for this blog: 1. Keep a record of my thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams, and personal goals/accomplishments. 2. Keep friends/family/people in the loop of what is happening in my life. I've been wanting to get this started for quite some time now but simply havn't had anything great to say. Although I really don't have a whole lot now either, but procrastination before bed, which means work in the morning, is a good enough reason for me right now. If I had to guess as to what this blog turns into I would have to say it will encompass mainly photography and medicine...and a small amount of poetry depending on how much I want to put myself out there. So here it is, read at your will, comment if you please, feedback on anything is great and hopefully this will turn out as well as it has in my head.
