Is there anything worse than working your butt off while other people stand/sit there and watch you without offering any help? I don't know, it's not like I am working 16 hours a day, am exhausted , tired from not getting enough sleep, and only having a warm meal once in a while. Don't you worry though, you just sit there and watch me do work. Enough about that though! Work is getting long and tiring..period. I am however pumped to have xmas day off and to only have to work 6 hours tomorrow! Yeehaw for an 84 hour work week even though i'm only workin 6 hours on the 24th and not working on the 25th...WOW!
In med school news: AUC finally got my 2nd LOR! They said my first never came...then my 2nd one never came after almost 2 1/2 weeks from when it was sent! I was pissed, had to try and get my letter writer to fedex it...which he was willing to do thank goodness! But oh wait, then I called and POW, they recieved my letter and my application is now complete....hopefully some word in 4-6 weeks pending them accepting one of my LORs! ( I guess a pre med advisor is worthless and you need a committee?) Regardless, last 16 hour day for a few days!
Happy Holidays!